jim mc chaco
Judges' Choice NM State Fair 2019

Larry Linford's "Basket Illusion" wins Judges' Choice at NM State Fair 2019

Cindy Drozda 1

The Fine Art of Cindy Drozda, virtually at NMWT — Online for the time.

Cindy Drozda 1

Cindy's Finial Rule #4 - "Light Touch and Careful Aim"

Cindy Drozda 1

Signature Finial Box — Distance Learning, Close Up


Michael Anderson — he's in there somewhere — turns Epoxy hybrid

Turning Air with Michael Anderson

"Turning Air" — Watch Out for Those Wings

Judges' Choice NM State Fair 2019

Michael Anderson Turns a Winged Box

Tops a'Turning

Tops a'Turning — Steve Gallegos tests his at State Fair 2019

David Ellsworth at NM Woodturners

Got Ells' Worth? — David Ellsworth demos at NM Woodturners

David Ellsworth at NM Woodturners

Look Ma, One Hand!

David Ellsworth at NM Woodturners

…and let the chips fall…


Learn to turn - Creative Woodworking Camp at Explora

Patricia Apt Miniatures

Latest Gallery

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Meeting Time & Location

We meet the first Saturday of each month; the meeting starts at 10:00am in Room 5 upstairs at the North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, 7521 Carmel NE, Albuquerque.
For the members who prefer a virtual option, a Zoom meeting link and password is also sent prior to the meeting.

Click map to enlarge.
( right-click pop-up for save options—depends on device  )

About NMWT

New Mexico Wood Turners, located in Albuquerque, has over 100 members from the Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and around central New Mexico.  We meet the first Saturday of each month and welcome anyone with an interest in wood turning, from beginner to professional.
Meetings feature presentations on turning techniques, wood selection, tools and safety. Special topics have included vacuum chucks, holiday ornaments, and other unique subjects.  Every meeting includes an informal “Instant Gallery” of member work which you can see in our galleries section.
We bring in nationally known guest presenters several times each year, and the club sponsors numerous special events and projects.   A popular event is the woodturning exhibition at the New Mexico State Fair, “Expo New Mexico”  held every September. Activities include woodturning exhibitions, live demonstratons, and videos on a range of turning topics

President’s Turn

A new secretary, and the membership survey is ongoing

Fellow turners,

As announced at the March meeting, our secretary, Stretch Cole, has resigned, but I am happy to announce that Nancy Novak has stepped up and volunteered to take on that role. Her appointment still needs to be approved by the board at our next meeting, but from the input I have received from several board members, I expect her to be approved.

John Spitzenberger has also volunteered to help with the library educational exhibits. We would certainly encourage more people to help with this project. Public libraries are a high-visibility venue providing us a unique opportunity to educate the public about what wood turning is. This is, of course, the primary mission of the club, and we may just add new members in the process.

The membership survey went live on March 10th, and as of this writing (3/21/2025) we have 39 responses. As there are 167 active members listed on the membership roll, we have a long way to go. Of the emails we send out, only 75 to 80% are typically opened by the recipient. So, if everyone who opens the email participates, we should get between 120 and 130 responses. PLEASE take a few minutes to complete the survey. The link is in the email and the survey is typically completed in ten minutes. Several trends are starting to form, but I will hold off on discussing them until we have a more complete picture.

Please plan on joining us at the April meeting at which our own Dennis Cahil will be demonstrating a method of producing open-segmented vessels without the use of the normal jigs. I am very curious about how he will accomplish this. Hopefully, you are too.

See you there,


President NMWT



Open Segmented Turning Without Breaking the Bank – April 5th

Have you wanted to try open segmented woodturning, but felt the cost of all the tools is too high? Well then Saturday’s demonstration is for you! Dennis Cahill will be demonstrating a couple methods that, with practice, anyone can do open segmented turning on a budget.   He will show you how you can use common tools with alternate uses around the shop and house, and produce an open segment turning.  We will discuss the pros and cons of each system and work with each to construct a couple of layers for a segmented bowl to see the difference in action.

See  you at the New Mexico Woodturners meeting April 5th, meeting starts at 10 at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center. 


Turn Styles

NMWT Logo ApparelNMWT
Logo Apparel

•Order Forms in revision.

Check Back Soon!!

Ordering Info
• Shirt-Cap Order Form
• Smock Order Form
Bring form to meeting.

Become a Member

You will share many benefits and know that you are helping all our club activities in support of the woodturning community.
Get the membership form to mail.
Join or renew online.