Fellow turners,
As announced at the March meeting, our secretary, Stretch Cole, has resigned, but I am happy to announce that Nancy Novak has stepped up and volunteered to take on that role. Her appointment still needs to be approved by the board at our next meeting, but from the input I have received from several board members, I expect her to be approved.
John Spitzenberger has also volunteered to help with the library educational exhibits. We would certainly encourage more people to help with this project. Public libraries are a high-visibility venue providing us a unique opportunity to educate the public about what wood turning is. This is, of course, the primary mission of the club, and we may just add new members in the process.
The membership survey went live on March 10th, and as of this writing (3/21/2025) we have 39 responses. As there are 167 active members listed on the membership roll, we have a long way to go. Of the emails we send out, only 75 to 80% are typically opened by the recipient. So, if everyone who opens the email participates, we should get between 120 and 130 responses. PLEASE take a few minutes to complete the survey. The link is in the email and the survey is typically completed in ten minutes. Several trends are starting to form, but I will hold off on discussing them until we have a more complete picture.
Please plan on joining us at the April meeting at which our own Dennis Cahil will be demonstrating a method of producing open-segmented vessels without the use of the normal jigs. I am very curious about how he will accomplish this. Hopefully, you are too.
See you there,
President NMWT