So, you have a random log, fresh trunk section or even a gnarly looking limb that is “felling” over… How do I cut it? Where? How do I store it? Where? How do I dry it out? How can I know how it will move as it dries?  How do I avoid wasting precious material and time? How do I get to my final piece from wet wood?

Learn the recipe for success and bring your cameras and notebooks to March’s demonstration as Scott Kershaw moves step-by-step from the trunk of a recently felled tree to a couple turnings that will stand the test of time. As the time on Saturday permits, Scott will prepare turning stock, turn a bowl to be sealed and dried for finish turning down the road and turn a green-to-finish bowl all while reducing the factors that may lead to failure and waste. 

See  you at the New Mexico Woodturners meeting March 1st, meeting starts at 10 at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center.